Ana Guan

Department Manager


Language: Spanish

Working Experience: 15 years

Working in BS: 12 years

Motto: If you want to get it, you will get it. All you need to do is taking action

Product in charge: Fashion Jewelry, Electronics, Toys, Watches



From a factory to be a good seller
Juan was a owner of jewelry factory in Colombia when he worked with us. He didn’t run the business well at that time and he made his decision to change. He created the new company to sell fashion jewelry. We began to try different style of product. Four years ago we paid our attention on one kind of high quality item. It’s cooper with golden coating jewelry. Juan was like it much but worry about the price. It might too expensive to accept in his market. I encouraged him to try. “It’s new idea item and it would made your business different from other clients. You can try with small quantity first and your market would tell you if the choice is correct or not.” Juan accepted my suggestion. We had work closely and chose the suitable items for his market. It was a very successful order and from that time his business was increasing step by step. Now his buying value is 5 times than the value when he was doing factory business.
No more copied brand products
Leno bought some copied brand jewelry and he sold well in his country. He heard about our service and came to us. My boss suggested him to stop buying copied brand item and he agreed to change. At the first beginning, I accompanied him to the market and checked the last design for him. Later, I kept sourcing the good suppliers and share with them the idea to create the new designs. Many photos of new items from different suppliers was sent to Leno and he forwarded to his final clients. The feedback from his the market are very positive. Also, he began to take part in the fair to introduce his products. Now, 2 years after changing, his business isn’t decreasing but increasing almost 3 times. No more copied brand products, he said with smile.

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